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Currently reading

The Girl Who Played Go
Shan Sa, Adriana Hunter
David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants
Malcolm Gladwell
Someone: A Novel
Alice McDermott

The Hen who dreamed she could fly.

The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly - Nomoco, Sun-mi Hwang, Kim Chi-Young

 South Korean novelette that can be read as a morality tale, a fable, or a metaphor. I just know that I absolutely adore Sprout, she is one plucky chicken that goes against the established  routines at the farm to fulfill her desires. Of course she has quite a bit of luck and quite a few trials. It is a wonderful story about a mother's unconditional love. Setting what you love free and doing what you think is in the child's best interest, above your own wants and desires.


Wonderful little story with plenty of meaning and a beautiful cover.